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The Sadistic Irish Catholic Church

Posted by terres on May 21, 2009

Satanic Church Rocked by a Major Scandal, Again!

Isn’t it time the Church were permanently closed, its practices made illegal and its proponents, the Pope, Bishops, priests … incarcerated for crimes against humanity?

Irish Priests Beat and Raped Thousands of Children

Once again Vatican spent millions of dollars, again, aided by the Irish government, to delay for nine years a 2,575-page report on the lives of thousands forced into sexual, physical and mental abuse.

“Campaigners for the abused believe that a measure of justice may finally be arriving – despite the church’s best efforts to keep the past a secret,” one report said.

The Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse report has revealed that for more than sixty years, from about 1930s to 1990s, “thousands of Irish children suffered soul-crushing lives of forced labor, beatings and molestation in spartan institutions run by Roman Catholic religious orders.”

“Bastards” and Truants: NO Human Rights!

“Most of the children were ordered into church care because of school truancy, petty crimes or because they were the offspring of unwed mothers. Many faced regimes of terror involving ritual beatings and intimidation. But until the investigation came along, thousands of survivors said they had nowhere safe to tell their stories – because swathes of Irish Catholic society sought to label them liars.”

The commission collected oral evidence from about 1,000 victims now in their 50s to 70s, most of whom “traveled back to Ireland from as far away as the United States and Australia – who described childhoods of terror and intimidation.”

The Christian Brothers from Hell

“The Christian Brothers delayed the investigation for more than a year with a lawsuit that successfully defended their members’ right to anonymity in all references in the report – even in cases where individual Christian Brothers have already been convicted of sexual and physical attacks on children.”

“The Catholic Church’s practice of protecting the sexual predators in their parishes and schools, rather than the children who suffered at their hands, has fanned several waves of outrage in once-devout Ireland starting in the mid-1990s.”

Sexual abuse was endemic in boys’ institutions and girls were preyed on by sexual predators who were able to operate unhindered.

“The damage done to the church’s reputation here has exceeded, in scope and political impact, even what happened in the United States, which suffered its own wave of abuse-cover-up scandals in the past decade.”

“Ireland’s first major pedophile-priest scandal, in 1994, triggered the collapse of a government. In 1999 former Prime Minister Bertie Ahern issued an apology for the state’s failure over decades to defend children’s rights in church-run facilities.”

“Ahern established both the fact-finding commission and a panel that has already paid out damages averaging nearly €65,000 each to 12,000 abuse victims. The taxpayer, not the church, has footed most of that bill.”

“The depth and duration of the abuse endured by our children in these institutions beggars belief,” said Maeve Lewis, executive director of an abuse-victims support group called One in Four,  AP said.

The Commission interviewed 1,090 men and women who were housed in 216 institutions including children’s homes, hospitals and schools. They told of scavenging for food from waste bins and animal feed, of floggings, scaldings and being held under water. There were underwear inspections and in one case, a boy was forced to lick excrement from a priest’s shoe.  Report

A Church fit for Tony Blair

The Victims are now angered because the 9-year report despite its “damning” findings will not bring about prosecutions.

This is in part because the Christian Brothers [from Hell] “successfully sued the commission in 2004 to keep the identities of all of its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report.” BBC said.

The five-volume, 9-year study finds that “church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders’ pedophiles from arrest amid a ‘culture of self-serving secrecy.'”

“The commission found that sexual abuse was ‘endemic’ in boys’ institutions,” and that the church leaders were fully aware of what was going on. A report said.

Thousands of pedophile priests have molested minors in the US since 1950, and the church has paid more than $2 billion in damages.

And the Church doctrine remains UNCHANGED!

  1. Smite everyone who has a different religion because we don’t want the flocks going around wondering why there are so many shepherds!
  2. Slay all the indigenous people in the world because that’s how we can suppress spirituality, eliminate sustainable lifestyles and ensure “end times!” Besides, wee need their lands.
  3. Torture and burn all of their intellectuals at stake because we don’t like anyone asking questions or sowing the seeds of doubt in the sheeple’s mind!
  4. Forbid the flocks to plan their family and encourage them to f*ck like rabbits. The more children the merrier!
  5. Sodomize all of their children because that’s the only way we can ensure there would be enough new recruits in every generation to perpetuate the lie.

Oh, and don’t worry about paying off damages. I’ll provide an endless supply of money . . .

For more on this story see:

Related Links:

See also links on following page:

The Satanic Church of Unholy Trinity: The Roman Catholic Church of Sexual Abuse, Mental Cruelty and Physical Torture

The following is an incomplete list of Roman Catholic Church sex scandals since 1995, but does NOT include the crime of genocide they committed  in Canada, the Canadian Holocaust.

Roman Catholic Church sex scandals

(Reuters) – An Irish report Wednesday detailed decades of child abuse in Catholic-run state schools and orphanages. Following are details of other sexual abuse scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church around the world.AUSTRALIA – 2008 – In July 2008 Pope Benedict during a visit to Australia apologized for sexual abuse by clergy, condemning it as “evil” and saying abusers should be brought to justice. The comments are believed to be the first time the pope has specifically apologized for sexual abuse by clergy and stated clearly that abusers should be brought to justice.

— At that time there had been 107 convictions for sexual abuse in the Catholic Church there.

AUSTRIA – 1995 – The archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer, was forced to retire after allegations that he had molested a schoolboy 20 years earlier.

– July 2004 – Austrian News magazine Profil ran pictures of priests kissing and groping seminarians studying for the priesthood at a Roman Catholic seminary in the St. Poelten diocese.

BRITAIN – July 2000 – The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Archbishop Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, acknowledged he had made a mistake while in a previous post in the 1980s by allowing a pedophile to continue working as a priest. The priest at the center of the controversy, Father Michael Hill, was jailed in 1997 for abusing nine boys over a 20-year period.

FRANCE – March 2000 – A court sentenced Abbot Jean-Lucien Maurel to 10 years in prison for raping and sexually abusing three boys. The assaults dated to 1994-96, when Maurel was head of a school in the southern French department of Aveyron.

IRELAND – April 2002 – Brendan Comiskey, one of Ireland’s best-known priests, resigned as Bishop of Ferns over the way he had dealt with allegations of sexual abuse against a priest of his diocese, Father Sean Fortune. Fortune committed suicide in 1999 while facing 66 charges of sexual abuse.

March 2009 – John Magee, bishop of Cloyne in the south of Ireland since 1987, under fire for his handling of reports of sexual abuse in his diocese, quit his daily duties to deal with the inquiry.

POLAND – March 2002 – Archbishop Juliusz Paetz quit following accusations, which he denied, of sexually molesting young priests.

UNITED STATES – 2002 – Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law, the most senior Roman Catholic official in the United States, resigned over his handling of clergy sexual abuse.

— 2002 – The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops directed each diocese to promptly investigate all allegations of sexual abuse.

— September 2003 – Boston Archdiocese agreed to pay up to $85 million to settle lawsuits filed by hundreds of people who said they were sexually abused by clergy.

— February 2004 – Independent researchers commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a report on alleged priestly sexual abuse of children in the United States. It said a total of 10,667 people accused priests of child sexual abuse from 1950 through 2002. More than 17 percent of accusers had siblings who were also allegedly abused. Among accusers, 46.9 percent said they had been abused numerous times.

— In a speech delivered shortly before he was elected pope, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said the Church had to clean out the “filth” in its ranks.

— In July 2007, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles agreed to pay $660 million to 500 victims of sexual abuse dating as far back as the 1940s in the largest compensation deal of its kind.

— In August 2008, Chicago’s Roman Catholic archdiocese announced it would pay $12.7 million to settle 16 claims of sexual abuse involving 10 former priests and a school principal. The Chicago church has settled more than 100 cases.

— In April 2008 Pope Benedict met victims of sexual abuse by priests during his visit to the United States in an effort to heal the scars. The U.S. Church has paid some $2 billion in settlement to victims since the scandal first broke in 1992.

Sources: Reuters/United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – (Writing by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit; editing by Mark Trevelyan) © Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved.

6 Responses to “The Sadistic Irish Catholic Church”

  1. Rose M. Longshore said

    If you write to me I will come forward to say what I know about the holy nuns and their demonic ways. The whole concept of nuns should be abolished. They always hid behind their habits and were given the protection of the church to absolve them from their antisocial and psychotic behaviour. When I was 5 years old, out of the blue, the head nun Sr. Mary DeLelis lined us up, had another nun hold out our hands and she hit us with a cane with all her might, breaking the skin on most of our hands. (All of the girls in my class we are now 60 have arthritis in our fingers and hands.) We were warned that if we told our parents of what happened, Jesus would kill our mothers and fathers. This hateful and vengeful event was sparked as punishment to a 16 year old who did not wipe the chalk off the teacher’s chair. That girl had to witness the whole school get “caned with vigor” for her crime. I will never forget it. The girl in question was not intimidated and told what happened. After that incident, one mother sat at the back of the class until we were 12 years old. By the time I was 14 all nuns had been removed as teachers.
    If a person with a psychotic or antisocial personality imposes their will and validates their actions with government approval, the whole of society suffers and is totally wrong.

  2. terres said

    Rose — Thank you for the message. Please feel free to write again and let us share your pain.


    You have labelled every Irish priest an abuser you are a disgrace and hateful and unjust

  4. terres said

    Have we done that?
    YOU mean every Irish priest supporting the catholic church, a satanic organization that has been responsible for murder, torture and all other atrocious crimes against humanity throughout most of the last two Millenniums, is party to the crimes?

  5. The Catholic Church is the Anti-Christ.

  6. KB said

    I am astonished and disgusted at the tone of this article. Polarized, one-sided writing and namecalling such as “satanic” and “from Hell” make this article look bigoted.

    [Tell that to the victims of Catholic church’s pedophile priests. Moderator]

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